Features & Benefits

The LaGuard™ Fitness Vest has the most benefits for the most dog owners available. Whether you are the “Common Dog Owner”, “Trainer” or “Breeder”; there is a unique benefit for you and your dog. Every dog needs a daily workout to maintain a healthy body and mind. The LaGuard™ Fitness Vest can be used year-round and as a part of your dog’s daily regimen. Here are a few of the reasons why the LaGuard™ Fitness Vest is a perfect investment for Your dog and for you:

  • A healthier way to exercise and stay fit.
  • Great for indoor exercise and inclement weather.
  • A better performance with agility, speed, endurance or strength.
  • Improves and maintains the current strength and health of your dog.
  • A wonderful assistant while teaching your dog obedience, patience and commands
  • Encourages less anxiety, fewer outbursts, and safer walks & runs.

The LaGuard™ Fitness Vest is revolutionizing the exercise industry for dogs and their owners alike.  Our goal is simple: provide a better way to exercise, increase the constructive interaction between owners and their dogs, and increase the life span of our canine companion.  You will see amazing results and your dog will feel as if she/he has found the “Doggie Fountain of Youth”!  Just try it: you will be amazed.

One of the most amazing benefits of the LaGuard™ Fitness Vest deals with helping your dog learn how to deal with the anxiety of being away from the one thing they love the most: YOU.  Most dogs deal with anxiety and restlessness by chewing and tearing: furniture, shoes, dolls, precious family treasures.  Basically, anything they can get their loving paws on! But with the LaGuard™ Fitness Vest, you are able to help maintain your dog’s calm behavior and/or separation anxiety with a “Fitness Hug”.  Thousands of studies, including those of world famous animal science major, Dr. Temple Grandin, note that pressure has a calming and soothing effect on the nervous system.  By applying the vest to your dog (weights are option but not advised if the dog is not exercising), you are giving him/her a “hug” in a sense: you are not physically present but the dog now feels calmer because you applied just enough pressure to calm their fears. Who could ask for anything better?

The LaGuard™ Fitness Vest is an amazing therapy for most types of dog anxiety and fear concerns. For the majority of anxieties, we recommend simply placing the vest on your dog and waiting for results. You may very well see immediate and significant improvement for noise, crate and travel, barking and others with little to no training. For more complicated anxiety cases, we highly recommend using the Fitness Vest as part of a behavior modification program and asking your veterinarian for other tips.

Keep in mind, the LaGuard™ Fitness Vest is very useful for managing excitability or hyperactivity with strangers, on the leash, or in a training environment. The vest’s calming effect helps a dog to focus (or refocus) their energy in the right way, which then allows for training and exercising to be more effective.

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